Hello! My name is Mari. I am passionate about creating healthy relationships with the people, places, things and substances in my life. I’ve taken unhealthy connections and turned them healthy. The beautiful thing about this work is that it’s helped me conquer a deep sense of accountability and responsibility over my health and healing. I can help you do the same.

Work With ME!!!

Relational Coaching

Learn how to communicate your needs in a way that is true to your voice and desires.

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Energy healing that can help reduce physical and mental stress from your past and present.

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Shadow Work

Shadow work helps you integrate or release the hidden aspects of yourself.

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Why improve your relationships?

Many of us have been conditioned to settle for “it’s good enough.” We see ourselves as not able to receive or experience something better.

Shifting your relationships allows you to go from living an okay or fine life to living AUTHENTICALLY. Authentically living is the gateway to a life of liberation. Within liberation life blooms for YOU. Your joy, curiosity, truth, and imperfection become safe when your relationships are in harmony with what you desire for them and when those desires are expressed from the realest part of yourself.