Relational Coaching

Relational coaching helps you change your relationships in ways that are beneficial for strengthening your connections, goals, and calmness in your nervous system. These sessions can be held in both 1:1 and in group spaces. They involve connecting with your self to discover your truth, learning what boundaries you have and ways to keep them, and releasing old stories that keep you trapped in a loop. All sessions have deep roots of mindfulness.

Relational coaching can help bring harmony to...

Self acceptance, substance usage, compulsive actions, ADHD, food, romantic relationships, depression, self hatred, finding/growing spiritually, supremacist ideologies, complex family connections, sexuality and more.

More Info

Relational coaching is a comittment. It takes honesty with yourself and a dedication to show up for YOU. Sometimes you will hear hard truths or discover them for yourself. It takes courage and strength. Together, we will excavate, meditate, rest, breathe and work towards your desired outcome. Are you ready? I can’t wait to work together!