
Reiki is an energy healing modality. It was first discovered by Dr. Usui, a Buddhist Monk, during a period of fasting and meditation in the early 1900’s. The reiki symbols and energy came to him through visions. Since Dr. Usui receiving the symbols, many people have been attuned to them and are able to channel reiki. Reiki can be used for healing after trauma and as regular tune ups for mental, emotion and physical harmony. Many people feel a sense of peace during and after their sessions. 

What reiki helps Heal

chronic pain. anxiety. body ticks and tremors. depression. fatigue. past & ancestral trauma. grief. fear brain. stress. self sabotage. chakra alignments. reliance on substances. overall well being and self care. speaking difficulties.  

How Reiki Found Me

From fall 2020- spring 2023, I was a full time freelance artist and coach. This past Spring, all the work I was doing came to a pause and I took a job at a spiritual store. I was confused as to why my work stopped. My Ego took a nose dive because in 2020 I vowed to never work in retail again and here I was… working in retail.

I went to talk tom a local psychic named Mark and he said the spiritual store was meant to help guide me toward practicing something like reiki. Even though I spent 7 years immersing myself in spirituality and various energy healing modalities, becoming a reiki practitioner scared me. I

knew the power of reiki- reiki healed my severe stutter and the anxiety behind it. Even though I was scared, I decided to move forward with reiki 1 in the spring and reiki 2 in the fall.

Reiki has opened up and helped me fine tune my clairaudience, my ability to see auras, channel messages and heal myself and others. I channel reiki energy almost every day. I am extremely spiritually sensitive and reiki attunements have calmed and focused my spiritual senses. Through my reiki training, I now know God is moving through me and it has nothing to do with my power but, myself as a channel.